Building Admissions and Records

EOPS Historical Information.

Nickel and Nail Illustration

EOPS, Extended Opportunity Programs and Services, was established by Senate Bill 164 in 1969 to identify, recruit, retain, educate and prepare the disadvantaged for career employment and/or transfer.

EOPS regulations and guidelines may be found in Title 5, chapter 2.5 of the California Code of Regulations. A nickel and a nail are the statewide symbols of EOPS.

The Story Behind the Nickel and the Nail

The story goes that a young man, years ago in the deep South, walking down a long, unpaved, dusty road to visit his lady friend, was all too aware that he had but a nickel in his pocket and that his self-esteem would be questioned if he were unable to indicate that he was a man of means. Noticing two gnarled horseshoe nails lying by the side of the road, he picked them up and put them in his pocket. As he jingled these ferrous objects together with his meager fortune, he walked a little bit straighter and with a little more pride and dignity.

Similarly, the Extended Opportunity Program endeavors to enhance self-esteem, foster pride and dignity, and motivate those whom the program serves, enabling them to more effectively define and pursue career goals. It is important that they too have "something to jingle".

Further, the nails are twisted into a puzzle, suggesting that the complete enigma has still yet to be unraveled for helping those who, through societal circumstances, have been limited in successfully meeting their educational challenge.

Illustration of Hands and World

EOPS Office Information

Office Hours

Monday: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Tuesday:  8:30 AM - 7:00 PM

Wednesday:  8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Thursday: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Friday: 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Student Services Center, 2nd Floor