Student Union and Plaza Long View

Campus Safety & Clery Act

Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act

This act is named in memory of university student Jeanne Clery, who was raped and murdered in 1986. It was formerly known as the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990. All colleges and universities that receive federal funding are required by this act to disclose information about crime on campus and crime in the immediate vicinity of the campus. Annual reports which contain three years of crime statistics, campus security policies, statements of victims' rights, and sexual assault policies must be made available under this act. In addition, timely warnings of criminal threats to the entire campus population must be made available.

  • View the Campus Crime Policies [PDF: 91KB]
  • Daily Crime logs are available by request at the LAVC Sheriff's Office.

Annual Security Report

The following crime statistics for Los Angeles Valley College (LAVC) have been compiled by the Los Angeles County College Sheriff, in conjunction with local law enforcement agencies surrounding the campus. Campus crime, arrest and referral statistics include those reported to the Los Angeles County College Sheriff, campus security authorities, and local law enforcement agencies.

LAVC has certain mandatory crime reporting obligations under state law. The Child Abuse Neglect and Reporting Act (“CANRA,” Penal Code section 11164 et seq.) requires employees to report known or suspected instances of child abuse or neglect to law enforcement. Penal Code section 11160 requires prompt, mandatory reporting to law enforcement by health care practitioners (such as employees or contractors in the Student Health Center) when they provide medical services to a person they know or reasonably suspect is suffering from wounds inflicted by a firearm or are result of assaultive or abusive conduct.

View the


View the 

and the Clery Definitions 2020.


Dial 2911 from any campus phone to reach the Sheriff's Department.