LAVC Student Union Building

Anti Racism


Los Angeles Valley College Antiracism Logo


As an organization founded on educational excellence, opportunity and access, and dedicated to the principles of equity, justice and community, the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) must lead by example, and make structural and permanent change to root out the ill effects of racism and bias from our classrooms and our workplace.

LAVC's Commitment Statement

As our nation confronts the challenges of systemic racism and the status quo of social injustice, LAVC recognizes that by virtue of our position as an institution of higher education and our role in the community, we have the opportunity and the obligation to be an agent of change in addressing these issues. In response to the uprising and racial reckoning of summer 2020, LAVC began its journey towards being an antiracist institution and reaffirmed our dedication to working towards equity and social change. Beyond this initial step, we recognize that being antiracist is an ongoing process. We affirm our commitment to consistent action to bring about change.

We join in the LACCD commitment: "As an organization founded on educational excellence, opportunity and access, and dedicated to the principles of equity, justice and community, the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) must lead by example and make structural and permanent change to root out the ill effects of racism and bias from our classrooms and our workplace."

Based on the commitments made by both LAVC and the LACCD, the following objectives were established:

  • Affirm a shared definition of antiracism, equity, and social justice
  • Create a community of shared values that center equity and social justice
  • Create a welcoming and inclusive campus environment for students, faculty and staff
  • Attract and support a diverse student body and workforce
  • Actively engage the diverse backgrounds and talents of faculty, staff, and students to encourage inclusivity
  • Acknowledge and educate the campus and community about systemic racism and anti-Blackness
  • Communicate an institutional commitment to and efforts to support antiracism
  • Reduce systemic racism through curricular and financial aid interventions
  • Identify and eliminate policies and practices that promote systemic racism
  • Evaluate and monitor antiracism and equity efforts with data

Framework Overview

In response the social uprising in the summer of 2020, LAVC facilitated a Call to Action event,

recognizing the recent killing of George Floyd, other cases of police brutality, social injustice,

systemic racism, and the trauma to Black students, faculty, staff and community. The College

recognized the significance of continuing this work and the Antiracism Planning Group continued to

meet through the summer to discuss issues and develop a framework for action.


The framework is meant to be a comprehensive approach to becoming an antiracist institution.

This work involves students, faculty, staff, and the community. This proposal is a work in progress

and is meant to be a living document. It addresses immediate, short-term, and long-term items, at

the local and district level. It acknowledges the work of the individual and the institution in

changing the status quo and transforming the organizational culture and structure.

The framework includes action items in the following areas:

  • Arts and Expression
  • Communication, Marketing, and Messaging
  • Community Partnerships & Collaboration
  • Context - Social, Historical
  • Curriculum
  • Data
  • Financial Aid and Fiscal Resources
  • Hiring and Staffing
  • Policies and Practices
  • Professional Development
  • Security, Safety, Student Discipline
  • Engagement
    • Student
    • Staff

Major Activities 2022-2024

  • Formalize Land Acknowledgement
    • Develop resources to support Native Students
    • Develop Native American Studies curriculum
  • Complete an equity assessment across divisions
  • Develop Equity Response Team
  • Develop position statement against racial slurs
  • Enhance LAVC Equity Diversity Inclusion (EDI) Glossary
  • Enhance Antiracism Timeline content
  • Enhance relationship with law enforcement partners
  • Establish lending library for employees
  • Create opportunities to practice antiracism techniques
  • Develop teaching and activity guides to create awareness of LAVC Antiracism work
  • Seek opportunities to develop fiscal resources to support antiracism work

Overarching Goals 2022-2024


  • Integrate antiracism principles in campus events
  • Intentionally address intersectionality
  • Elevate voices and center the experiences of minoritized groups
  • Institutionalize key antiracism practices