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Cares Act Distribution

The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund authorized by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), signed into law on March 27, 2020 and funds were distributed to institutions of higher education to address the disruptions caused by COVID-19.

HEERF Funds Distribution

LA Valley College has signed the Department of Education Certification and Agreement for receipt of the CARES Act. The College has been allocated $6,154,624 and is in receipt of $3,077,312 for distribution to students in direct aid. Based on the guidelines from the Department of Education, students must be eligible for Title IV financial aid and not be enrolled in exclusively online courses. LA Valley College has approximately 6,170 eligible for CARES Act funding.

LA Valley College has prioritized those students with identified financial need.

May 2020 - Awards in the amount of $300 have been provided to all students meeting the following requirements:

  • Active for the spring semester
  • Pell eligible,
  • Not enrolled in exclusively online courses.

Direct aid is intended for students whose lives have been impacted by the coronavirus and must be used for expenses related to the disruptions due to the coronavirus, such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and childcare expenses.

LA Valley College has distributed $1,637,100 to 5,457 students. Eligible students have received an email with information from the District Office with information on distribution through the student Bank Mobile account.

June 2020 - Awards in the amount of $414 have been provided to 3335 students who met the following criteria of:

  • Active for the spring semester,
  • Title IV Eligible with EFC <1000
  • Not enrolled in exclusively online courses

LA Valley College provided grants for Emergency Basic Needs, Laptop/Tablet & Technology Grants to students with identified financial need that compromised their ability to continue their studies or successfully engage in their classes.

Awards were by application. Grant awards (up to $1,000) are one-time only and determined on a need basis. Eligibility will be determined using the following criteria:

  • LAVC is your home campus
  • Be enrolled in six units or more, and
  • Demonstrate financial need

Fall 2020, LA Valley College distributed $811,200 to 1,787 students.

Spring 2021, LA Valley College distributed $563,251 to 686 students

Summer 2021, LA Valley College distributed $69,650 to 161 Students

HEERF II Fund - CCPG Eligible Students – Summer 2021
LA Valley College students meeting the following requirements were awarded a $250.00 grant.

  • LAVC is your home campus
  • Enrolled in Summer 2021
  • CCPG (California Promise Grant) eligible

The campus distributed $536,000 to 2,144 students.

HEERF III Fund – Emergency Federal Stimulus Award
LAVC students enrolled in Fall 2021 classes received up to $1000 in federal stimulus funds for emergency basic needs. To qualify, the students must meet the following criteria:

  • Have LAVC as their home campus,
  • Be enrolled at Valley College for Fall 2021, and
  • Be eligible for the California College Promise Grant or CA Dream Act, or demonstrate economic hardship resulting from COVID-19

LA Valley College distributed $6,372,000 to 6,372 students.