Athletic Facilities
Athletic Facilities
Los Angeles Valley College has many athletic facilities that are used by students in our Kinesiology Department classes, the LAVC Athletics teams, and the Community Services Office.
Adapted Physical Education Center
The Adapted Physical Education Center is located in the North Gym.
The Center features state-of-the-art specialized exercise equipment specifically designed for individuals with limited physical mobility or ability. In addition, there is an infinity pool that is accessible for individuals with disabilities at the adjacent Aquatics Center.
To use the Adaptive Physical Education Center, students need to enroll in a Kinesiology's Adaptive Fitness class (KIN 045), or the Adaptive Swimming & Hydroexercise class (KIN 047).

Aquatics Center
LAVC’s Aquatics Center features an Olympic-sized pool, an infinity pool that is accessible for individuals with disabilities, and a diver’s jacuzzi. The complex is also the home of the LAVC Monarchs Men's and Women's Swimming and Water Polo teams.
Kinesiology's Swimming Skills classes (KIN 301-1, KIN 301-2, KIN 302-3) use the pool.
Adult Lap Swimming at the Pool
The pool is also available for public adult lap swimming at selected dates and times. For the Adult Lap Swim schedule and to purchase an Open Recreation Pass, contact LAVC Community Services.

Baseball Field
Home to the Western State Conference champion baseball team, the Monarchs' baseball field replaces Pike Field, originally constructed in the early 1950s. Recently upgraded with powerful lights that surround the stadium allowing for night play, it also features artificial turf, with the only dirt found on the pitcher's mound. Additionally, the grounds include two modern dugouts complete with drinking fountains, multiple batting cages, an air-conditioned press box, multiple public address speakers, an electronic scoreboard, and aluminum seats designed with the disabled in mind.
Dance Studio
The Dance Studio is a dance room located in the North Gym.

Fitness Center
The Fitness Center is located in the South Gym. The core of Los Angeles Valley College Fitness Center is the Aerobic Super Circuit.
The Aerobic Super Circuit training system combines medium intensity, 10-12 repetition circuit weight training with aerobic activity stations. The program has a rich history of success in improving a multitude of fitness components. It is especially designed to be fast, efficient, effective, and fun.
To use the Fitness Center, students need to enroll in Kinesiology's Aerobic Super Circuit class (KIN 326-1, KIN 326-2).
Grass Soccer Field
Located adjacent to Ethel Avenue, the soccer field turf is completely grass. With an electronic scoreboard bounding the northern end of the field, the facility is used not only by the Monarchs' soccer team, but many local organizations as well.
Gymnastics Center
The Gymnastics Center is located in the Community Services Center. It features a variety of gymnastics training equipment.
Kinesiology's Gymnastics classes (KIN 369-1, KIN 369-2, KIN 369-3, KIN 369-4) use the Gymnastics Center as part of the class instruction.

Monarch Stadium
Monarch Stadium is a 1500-seat stadium featuring a football field and a 10-lane NCAA-approved Mondo track. It is the home of LAVC Monarch Football team, it was used extensively by the men's and women's track and field teams before their disbandment. The artificial turf is routinely replaced as needed, with the end zone graphics hand sewn into the turf. A press box sits at the top of the northern grandstands, with roof access from inside the box. An electronic scoreboard may be found at the east end of the stadium, with play clocks located beyond both end zones.
Rock Wall
The Rock Wall is a 30-foot indoor climbing wall located in the Community Services Center.
To use the Rock Wall, students should enroll in Kinesiology's Rock Climbing for Fitness classes (KIN 374-1, KIN 374-2, KIN 374-3).

Softball Field
A state of the art facility, the Monarchs' softball field features an entirely artificial turf playing surface. The grounds include multiple batting cages, an electronic scoreboard, an air-conditioned press box, and easily accessible metal seats behind the home plate area. The recent addition of lights allows for night play.

South Gym Basketball Court
A competition-sized basketball court used by both men's and women's basketball, the floor was specially designed in Sweden for its unique flexibility and resurfaced every two years. Currently using wooden stands that pull out, the facility is slated for an upgrade in the near future. Additionally, a refreshment stand is located in the foyer which can be used for both hot and cold food and drinks.
Tennis Courts
LAVC has eight Tennis Courts are located on the corner of Ethel Avenue and Burbank Boulevard.
Kinesiology's Tennis classes (KIN 371-1, KIN 371-2, KIN 371-3, KIN 371-4) use the Tennis Courts in their class.
Walking Track
The Walking Track is free and open to the public to use during daytime hours. The c-shaped loop is located along Ethel Avenue next to the grass soccer field, and features an exercise station at both ends.

Weight Room
Located in the Monarch Athletic Center (MAC) building with easy access to Monarch Stadium, the weight room features both free weights, machines for lifting, and aerobic fitness equipment. A sound system is available to pipe in the music of choice for each particular class. The weight room is used by both the college's athletic teams as well as students enrolled in the class.