Start a New Career in Just One Semester!
We have the certificate options that fit your busy schedule. In just one semester you can learn the skills youâll need to land an entry-level job in an exciting new career.
Earn a Certificate in:
Child Development: School Age Programs, Teacher, Day Care (C) - CA
21st Century Employability Skills - Basic (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
21st Century Employability Skills - Basic/Intermediate (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
21st Century Employability Skills - Intermediate (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
21st Century Employability Skills - Intermediate/Advanced (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
21st Century Employability Skills - Advanced (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
Business of Entertainment (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
Community Health Worker (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
Cybersecurity Support Technician (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
DaVinci Resolve Techniques (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
Digital Film Editing Techniques (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
English as a Second Language - Communication Competency (Noncredit Certificate of Competency)
English as a Second Language - Reading and Writing (Noncredit Certificate of Competency)
English as a Second Language - Speech (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
English as a Second Language I (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
English as a Second Language II (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
English as a Second Language III (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
English as a Second Language IV (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
Entertainment Industry Entry Level Preparation (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
ESL Civics 1 (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
ESL Civics 2 (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
Gig Economy Careers in Entertainment (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
Insurance (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
Jewish Non-Profit Work (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
Line Producing & Unit Production Management (UPM) Skills (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
Microcomputer Literacy (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
Motion Picture & Television Grip and Electric (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
Motion Picture Sound Techniques (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
On-Set Camera and DIT Skills (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
Parent and Family Development (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
Photography: Basic Techniques (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
Radio/Audio Industry (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
Robotics and PLCs (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
Screenwriting (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
The Mass Media and the Law (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
TV/Video Industry (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
Working with Actors (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
Workplace Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
Workplace Success (Noncredit Certificate of Completion)
Get Started Today!
Ready to begin your new career? Start by applying to college today.
Need help applying and enrolling in classes? Our Success Coaches can assist you with any question you may have about a certificate, and they can also help with financial aid, admissions & records, or enrolling in classes. Connect with a coach.