CARE (Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education) Program Information

Collage of Images of Several Activities

The mission of CARE (Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education) is to support the unique needs of EOPS students who are single parents by promoting self-sufficiency and academic success through tailored workshops, additional counseling, educational materials and financial assistance for child care related expenses.

To be eligible for CARE a student must be:

  1. Eligible for EOPS
  2. A single head of household
  3. Must be 18 years of age or older
  4. You and/or your dependent child(ren) currently receive cash aid through CalWORKS or TANF

Students interested in CARE should complete a CARE Interest Card in the EOPS/CARE Office.

Portrait of Grisel Student

Grisel at the LAVC graduation ceremony in June 2020.

Being a first-generation college student and a sole provider for her daughter, Grisel was determined to further her education. Through the difficult times and obstacles Grisel has faced, she finds strength and motivation from her daughter. She took advantage of the college resources and the services EOPS/CARE provide.

She says "My experience with the EOPS/CARE program was amazing. Every time I stepped in the doors or called on the phone, I always felt welcomed It is a great environment to be around.

Being a single mother and first-generation student in college I felt very overwhelmed. Once I was in the EOPS/CARE program I did not take for granted all the perks they offered. I used the computer lab many times, I got help from the tutors, and with the help and guidance of my EOPS/CARE counselor, I finished my AA in Spanish in no time."

Grisel Manzano earned an ADT in Spanish and transferred to California.

Ana at the CSUN graduation ceremony in June 2012.

After transferring to California State University, Northridge in 2010 from Valley College, former EOPS/CARE student Ana went on to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Central American Studies. During her time as a CSUN student, she demonstrated her leadership by mentoring middle school children, Co-Chairing the Central American United Student Association and being an active liaison between the campus and non-profit organization such as CAUSA, CARECEN and CHIRLA to assist Central American communities in transitions (particularly in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Panama.) In June 2012, Ana proudly achieved her dream of becoming the first in her family to complete a Bachelor’s degree!

She continues to be a single mother and sole provider but now she is more knowledgeable, more educated and more passionate than ever to further her education and attend graduate school. For now, Ana will join the work force as she decides what graduate program to pursue.

Ana Care Student Picture

Anahit CARE Graduated Student Picture

Anahit at the LAVC graduation ceremony in June 2012.

As a first generation college student Anahit worked extremely hard to be a successful sole provider of her 2 children and meet the academic demands of being a full time student. She took advantage of the college’s resources and spent countless hours with tutors receiving assistance with her courses.

She says: “For me, going to school was never just about money. Sure I strive to have a career one day that will help me support my family, but I also enjoy learning and discovering new ways of improving myself as a human being. I had such a great experience with my professors and fellow students during my time at Valley College that it helped me to realize I want to continue with my education.”

Anahit is proud to have completed her Associates Degree in Natural Science at the end of the Spring 2012 semester! But she’s not stopping there. She will transfer to California State University, Los Angeles as a Biology major in the Fall 2012. Her ultimate goal is to become a registered nurse.

EOPS Office Information

Office Hours

Monday: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Tuesday:  8:30 AM - 7:00 PM

Wednesday:  8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Thursday: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Friday: 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Student Services Center, 2nd Floor