Los Angeles Valley College Main Entrance

Transferring to a UC

Join the CCCP Scholar's Program

Center for Community College Partnership Logo

The CCCP Scholars program aims to motivate, inform and prepare students to transfer from a California community college to selective Top Tier Research institutions such as UCLA. The program is grounded in Critical Race Theory in Education, academic excellence, social justice, and educational equity. Some of the benefits include:

  • Guidance on how to maximize academic programs at your community college
  • In depth information on the transfer and application process to UC/UCLA
  • Research and pre-graduate opportunities and career exploration
  • Invitation to exclusive Webinars, Activities and Opportunities
  • Access to a peer advisor who has successfully transferred to UCLA and a supportive community of staff and peers
  • CCCP Scholars have a higher rate of admissions to selective institutions and might be eligible for special scholarships

Deadline to apply will be announced soon.


The UC campuses have live and self-guided virtual tours available for you to learn about the campus, experience student life, learn fun facts, and get transfer information!

University of California

University of California Logo

UC Berkeley UC DavisUC IrvineUC Los AngelesUC Merced UC Riverside
UC Santa Barbara UC Santa CruzUC San Diego

To transfer to a UC campus you must complete at a minimum: 60 UC transferable units (Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum – IGETC), 2.4 GPA, & the seven course breadth pattern of general education:

  • 2 transferable college courses in English composition
  • 1 transferable college course in mathematical concepts and quantitative reasoning
  • 4 transferable college courses chosen from at least two of the following IGETC subject areas:
    • arts and humanities
    • social and behavioral sciences
    • physical and biological sciences

A competitive GPA in all UCs is a 3.2-3.8
UC Application (Apply Nov 1 - Nov 30)
UC Transfer Admission Planner
Transfer Admission Guarantee (Apply Sep 1 - Sep 30)
UC TAG Matrix_2021-2022
Personal Insight Questions for Transfer Students

Career/Transfer Center

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00AM - 7:00PM
Fridays: 8:00AM - 2:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

Student Services Annex (SSA)


Email: @email
Phone: (818) 947-2646