Yellow Building in Student Plaza Tree view

Transferring to a CSU

Transferring to a CSU

CSU Virtual Campus Tours

The UC campuses have live and self-guided virtual tours available for you to learn about the campus, experience student life, learn fun facts, and get transfer information!

The California State University

CSU BakersfieldCSU Channel IslandsCSU ChicoCSU Dominguez HillsCSU East BayCSU FresnoCSU FullertonHumbolt State UniversityCSU Long BeachCSU Los AngelesCal Maritime AcademyCSU Monterey BayCSU NorthridgeCal Poly PomonaCSU SacramentoCSU San BernardinoSan Diego State UniversitySan Jose State UniversityCal Poly San Luis ObispoCSU San MarcosSonoma State UniversityCSU Stanislaus

To transfer to a CSU campus you must complete at a minimum: 60 transferable units (CSU GE Certification Plan), 2.0 GPA, & "The Golden Four":

  • Oral Communication
  • Written Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning

If you are still deciding whether to transfer to a UC or CSU it is highly recommended to follow IGETC.
Certain impacted majors may require a higher GPA.

California Associate Degree for Transfer Illustration

Associate Degree for Transfer

The Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T) or the Associate in Science for Transfer (AS-T) is intended for students who plan to complete a bachelor's degree in a similar major at a CSU campus. Students completing these degrees (AA-T or AS-T) are guaranteed admission to the CSU system, but not to a particular campus or major. In order to earn one of these degrees, students must complete a minimum of 60 required semester units of CSU-transferable coursework with a minimum GPA of 2.0. Students transferring to a CSU campus that does accept the AA-T or AS-T will be required to complete no more than 60 units after transfer to earn a bachelor’s degree (unless the major is a designated “high-unit” major). This degree may not be the best option for students intending to transfer to a particular CSU campus or to a university or college that is not part of the CSU system. Students should consult with a counselor when planning to complete the degree for more information on university admission and transfer requirements. At the time of catalog publication, a student may earn a transfer degree in twenty four majors. Additional majors are under development. For more information, please see a counselor.

CSU Application | Applying for Fall Term (Apply Oct 1 - Nov 30)
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Carrer/Transfer Center

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00AM - 7:00PM
Fridays: 8:00AM - 2:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

Student Services Annex (SSA)


Email: @email
Phone: (818) 947-2646