Online Workshops

What's Next Workshop

This workshop will go over what to do after you submit your transfer application. Topics include mandatory application updates, supplemental applications, submitting transcripts and test scores, and transitional information on financial aid, housing, and transfer success strategies!

Pre-recorded presentation
Applied to CSUN? What's Next?

Transfer 101 Workshop

This workshop will go over the basics of transfer. Topics include the different types of transfer institutions, transfer requirements, what you should consider before you transfer, and much more! This workshop is perfect for students who are just starting the transfer process or don't know quite where to start!

Live Workshop
Pre-recorded presentation

Associate Degree for Transfer (AD-T) Presentation

Earn a degree that guarantees you transfer admission. The Associate Degree for Transfer gives you priority consideration to your selected campus, guaranteed admission to the CSU system, and an associate degree from LAVC. Learn more by watching this short presentation.

Live Workshop
Pre-recorded presentation

Career Exploration: Self-Assessment

Are you interested in learning about yourself so you can choose a major that's right for you? Register for this workshop! We will go over how your personality, interests, values, skills, and abilities relate to different majors and careers. This workshop includes hands-on activities and provides the next steps for you to take in your career exploration journey!

Live Workshop
Pre-Recorded Presentation

CSU Application Workshop

Transferring to a CSU? Attend a CSU Application Workshop to get a walk through and tips and pointers on how to complete the application successfully.

Pre-recorded videos

UC Application Workshop

Transferring to a UC? Attend a UC Application Workshop to get a walk through of the application along with important tips and pointers on how to complete the application successfully.

Pre-recorded videos

UC Personal Insight Question Workshop

Transferring to a UC? Attend a UC PIQ Workshop hosted by UCLA CCCP to get the inside scope on what UC's are looking for!

Pre-recorded presentation

Transfer Admission Guarantee Workshop

Planning on applying to a UC for Fall 2023? You may be eligible to participate in TAG and get guaranteed admission to a UC! This Live workshop, hosted by the Career/Transfer Center, will go over TAG requirements, how to apply, timeline, and tips for fall 2023 transfer applicants. Deadline to submit TAG is September 30, 2023!

Pre-recorded Presentation

Career/Transfer Center

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00AM - 7:00PM
Fridays: 8:00PM - 2:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

Student Services Annex (SSA)


Email: @email
Phone: (818) 947-2646