Programs and Activities for Students


The mission of the Puente Project is to increase the number of educationally underserved students who enroll in four year colleges and universities, earn degrees, and return to the community as leaders and mentors to future generations. Puente is open to all interested students.

A small cohort of students take English 101 (Fall) and English 103 (Spring) consecutively. These classes are taught by the same instructor who is especially is interested in Latino issues and culture. Students develop their writing skills in a supportive and stimulating environment while exploring the Mexican American/ Latino experience.

Puente students take Counseling 1 (Fall) and Counseling 20 (Spring) with the Puente counselor. Additionally, all Puente students are assigned mentors to help guide them toward their academic and professional goals.

The Puente cohort participates in culturally enrichining field trips to museums, theaters, and more. Students are also exposed to University of California Campuses such as UCLA, UC Santa Cruz, and UC Berkeley. All expenses are covered for off-campus activities.

Interested in joining Puente? Contact:

Holly Batty, Puente English Instructor

@email (818) 947-7260