DRC Getting Started at LAVC

Whether you are a first-time student at LAVC, returning back to the college, or even just considering applying to the college, the following information will help you apply to LAVC as an undocumented student.

Getting Started at LAVC

To apply to the college visit LAVC Online Application to begin your application. Please review the steps below before beginning your application

  • If you have already applied to another college in the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) within the past year, you do not need to submit another application. Colleges included in the LACCD are: East Los Angeles College, Harbor College, Mission College, Pierce College, Southwest College, Trade-Tech College, Valley College, and West Los Angeles College.

Special Instructions for the Application

Social Security Number Section:

  • You are not required to have a Social Security number to apply. If you do not have a SSN but have a valid Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) you may enter it in the place of a SSN
  • If you do not have an SSN or ITIN, check the box at the bottom of the page labeled "Check this box if you do not have a Social Security Number of Taxpayer Identification Number, or decline to provide one at this time

Citizenship Section:

  • Within the section that asks for information regarding Citizenship, choose "Other" from the drop-down menu and click the box labeled "No documents"

View the AB 540 requirements, and submit your AB 540 Affidavit to the LAVC office of Admissions and Records if you qualify.

Review our California Dream Act webpage to learn more about the California Dream Act Application. The deadline to submit the application is March 2nd, but you can still submit the application after March 2nd to have access to a fee waiver.

  • Click here to complete your New Student Orientation requirement
  • Click here to learn if you are required to take the Math and English Placement Test
  • Visit or call the Dream Resource Center to make an appointment with our Counselor to find out what classes you should take for your major.

Check out our new student College Promise Program to learn more about the college-going process and support services available to you at LAVC!

Office Hours and Location

Campus Center 127 - Mosaic Village: Unity Center

Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays: 9AM - 4:30PM
Tuesday: 9AM - 6:30PM
Fridays: 9AM - 1PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed


Appointments: To schedule a Counseling appointment please use the online scheduling tool

Javier Carbajal-Ramos, M.A.
Dream Resource Center Counselor and Coordinator
Phone: (818) 778-5925
Email: @email