Emergency Response Information For LAVC Students
As an LAVC student the college is concerned for your safety and the safety of all visitors to the campus. The college has created an Emergency Response Plan where members of the college staff have been trained to respond to major campus emergencies. Please print the pamphlet and keep it handy for regular review so that you will be prepared to act in the event of an emergency.
This information sheet will give you simple guidelines that will help you in such an emergency. These guidelines will also help you in understanding the directions given by our Sheriff's personnel, the college staff and emergency response teams during a major emergency.
Please read this information and cooperate with all college staff during an emergency, it will help you get away safely and will also help your fellow students.
If you have any questions regarding this plan please call LAVC ext. #2336.
Disabled Students
If you are a disabled student please make sure that you check in with the DSPS program located in the Campus Center Building.
Whenever possible assist disabled students to exit the building. If you cannot assist tell the Fire Dept of the location of the student.
Active Shooter
If the shooter is outside the building
- Turn off all lights and close and lock all windows and doors.
- Close all window blinds and curtains.
- If you can do so safely, get all individuals on the floor and out of the line of fire.
- Move to a core area of the building if safe to do so and remain there until an “all clear” instruction is given by an authorized known voice.
If the shooter is inside the building
- If it is possible to flee the area safely and avoid danger, do so.
- Contact x2911 with your location if possible.
- If flight is impossible, lock all doors and secure yourself in your space.
- Close all window blinds and curtains.
- Barricade your doors with furniture, desks or storage cabinets
- Get down on the floor or under a desk and remain silent.
- Get individuals on the floor and out of the line of fire.
- Wait for the “all clear” instruction
If the shooter comes into your class or office
- If you feel you have no recourse - ATTACK the shooter
- Attempt to get the word out to other staff.
- Call x2911
Reporting suspicious individuals
- Do not approach a suspect individual yourself.
- If you suspect the person is armed or see a weapon, call x2911 immediately
- Report a suspicious looking individual or activity to College Sheriff (818) 947-2911 or x2911.
- Give your location, name, and reason for calling.
- Be ready to supply a physical description of the individual: age, weight, hair color and length, clothing, facial hair and any other distinguishing feature.
- If the individual is in a vehicle, attempt to get the vehicle make, model and color as well as the license plate number, if possible.
- Contact Public Safety as quickly as possible while monitoring the location of the person if feasible
- If you are outside, stay in one place until the shaking stops. Get next to or under a desk or chair. When the shaking stops leave the building and proceed to the closest Evacuation Area. Follow the directions of the College staff.
- If you are injured and cannot move be patient, the Search Teams will be looking for you.
- Listen and follow the directions of the staff. Exit the Building in an orderly manner and proceed to the Evacuation Zone nearest your building.
- In the event of a fire alarm signal immediately evacuate the building and proceed to the evacuation area. The last person leaving the classroom should make sure the door is closed behind them.
Never re-enter a building that has been secured after an emergency
The staff or College Sheriff will let you know when it is safe to re-enter a building.
Do not use elevators during or after fires or earthquakes.