Creating a Family Response Plan
- Contact your local American Red Cross or Office of Emergency Management
- Find out which disasters are most likely to affect your community
- Find out how to prepare your home and yourself for each type of disaster
- Find out how you will be warned or advised of emergency information.
- Learn CPR and First Aid
- If you have children contact their school or day care and find out what their plans are in the event of a disaster and how to reunite with your children.
- Meet with your family
- Discuss the types of disasters that could occur
- Discuss how to prepare and respond to each disaster
- Discuss how to evacuate every room in your home
- Decide where to meet if you cannot get home
- Decide on who to use as an out-of-area contact
- Discuss emergency supplies
- Practice what you have discussed
- Survey your house with your family
- Post emergency contact numbers by each phone
- Learn and practice how to shut off water, gas, and electricity at the mains
- Install smoke detectors on each floor of your house, especially in bedrooms. Check them monthly and change batteries twice a year.
- Move heavy objects to lower shelves
- Secure tall furniture and pictures to wall studs
- Strap water heater to wall studs
- Buy and store emergency supplies
- Meet with your neighbors
- Plan how the neighborhood could work together after a disaster.
- Consider how you could help your neighbors who have special needs.
- Make plans for child care in case parents cannot get home.