Field Trips

Several field trips are integrated into our Biology 3 program. These include visits to:

  • The Malibu Tide pools
  • The Cabrillo Marine Aquarium
  • The Leo Carrillo Tide Pools
  • Fryman Canyon,
  • Caballero Canyon
  • The Sepulveda Flood Control Basin
  • The Gold Creek Ecological Preserve

Keep posted for field trips associated with other courses in the LAVC biology department.

Check out these pictures of Biology 3 students investigating intertidal organisms at the Malibu tide pools:

Group of Students Gathering at the Pier

Meeting under the Pier

Small Octopus on Student's Hand


Sea Hare on Student's Hand

Sea Hare

Sea Anemone

Sea Anemone

Gold Creek Ecological Preserve

The Los Angeles Community College District operates at wildlife preserve and biological field station at Gold Creek, in the San Gabriel Mountains. Many Valley College biology classes take advantage of this outdoor laboratory throughout the year. Busses are provided for our students by the district Gold Creek fund, so students pay nothing for this experience. Many students claim this trip was the highlight of their biology class.

In addition to the block house used for storage of equipment and seminars, the field station boasts a large amphitheater, a covered pavilion with permanent tables, and groomed nature trails that wind through various plant communities of the chaparral, riparian, and oak-woodland.