10. Academic Support Resources at LAVC


Los Angeles Valley College provides various services and resources to their online and face-to-face students. We are here every step of the way to help you with your online courses. Here is list of resources available on campus to help you along the way.

This module will help you find the right resources online and on campus.

At the end of this modules you will know:

  • Who to contact when you need help with your online courses
  • Who to contact when you need a tutor
  • Where to go when you need a computer on campus
  • Where to find additional information that is not necessarily related to your course

Need Help With Your Online Class?

There are different options available to you when trying to get help with your online classes.

  • Ask your instructor
    Your instructor is the best person to ask for anything related to the course content, quizzes, assignments, grades, or other general course questions.

    Your instructor will let you know the best way to solve your concerns and issues. Commons questions will be explained in the course syllabus along with the expected time it takes to receive a response.
  • Ask your Classmates or Other Students
    Sometimes other students in the class are a great way to get your question answered. You can send a message to a student or post a question in a class lounge discussion area, if there is one in your course. Other students might be helpful figuring out an assignment or sharing information with you.
  • Ask a Librarian
    LAVC Library provides access to instructional resources and individual consultation with a librarian via phone, chat, or email.

    Web-accessible resources include electronic collections (including research databases and digital full-text journals) and library loan services. Additionally, you can reserve a room in the library for yourself or your group.
  • Getting Help with Canvas
    Canvas is used as the main platform for your course. You can get help by:

Need a Tutor?

The central purpose of Los Angeles Valley College's Academic Resource Center (ARC) is to provide individualized, collaborative, self-paced learning opportunities and tutorial support for students.

LAVC’s Academic Resource Center (ARC) is committed to assisting students develop the skills and confidence needed to succeed in their coursework, as well as in their academic, professional, and personal pursuits.

Visit the ARC site and download their hours of operation.

In response to COVID-19, the Academic Resource Center is now offering remote online tutoring and computer support services through Zoom and ConexEd. View this ARC Quick Overview video for a quick overview of how the services work!

Need a Tutor
Computer Common
The lab is in the Library and Academic Resource Center, Room 234, on the second floor. It is an open computer lab, with 95 computers, 4 iMac stations, Headphone, flash drives, two group study rooms, printers, and a high-resolution scanner.
View Guide
General Tutoring
General Tutoring in LARC room 213 provides tutoring on a walk-in basis. Tutoring is available in most subjects, such as Chemistry, Physics, Statistics, Accounting, and Economics.
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Math Skills Lab
The Math Lab in LARC room 226 is a walk-in tutoring lab. Three to four tutors are available at any given hour to work with students on a one-on-one basis for short periods of time as needed.

The lab also provides computers with math software, textbooks on reserve, a loan program for videos, CDs, calculators, math worksheets, and class workshops.

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Embedded Tutoring (In-Class Tutoring)
Embedded tutors, in LARC room 213, are successful college students. They work with instructors in specific courses to provide supplemental practice and direction for students.
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Reading Lab
The lab is located in LARC room 220. It is a literacy, communications and academic skills laboratory in the Department of Psychology's Developmental Communications program.
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The Writing Center
The Writing Center provides individualized tutoring in LARC room 229, on a walk-in basis for writing, reading, or critical thinking assignments.

Students may receive assistance through one-on-one and group tutoring sessions, writing workshops, and instructive handouts.

View Guide

EOPS/CARE Tutoring Center
EOPS offers one-on-one 45-minute tutoring appointments in different subjects.

You must be part of the program to use their touring services.

They are located on the second floor of Student Services Center.

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Calworks & Helping Hands
Located on the first floor of the Administration and Career Advancement Building (ACA), room 1101 provides tutoring and computer lab for their eligible students.
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Student with Disabilities (SSD)
Located in the Student Services Annex, room 175 provides tutoring and computer lab for their eligible students.
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TRIO Student Support Services
Located on the second floor of Student Services building, room 228 provides tutoring and computer lab for their eligible students.
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Nettutor & Specialized Online Tutor
This has been already covered in the last module. The application is part of Canvas.
View Guide

Need a Computer on Campus?

All the tutoring labs listed above have computers and printers. Some might have additional devices such as laptops, scanners, and Headphone.

In additional to Computer Commons, the First Floor of LAVC Library has 60 computers for student use. There are no tutors available on the first floor of the Library, but there is printing available.

Additional Resources for Students

Take advantage of all these resources

Your future is your reason to stay in school. Do the best you can for you, your community, and everyone around you.

The Directory of Student Services provides you with additional links and help with your search of becoming a successful student at LAVC.

Final Note:

Students don't fail simply due to their characteristics. Challenges related to the online format – including technical difficulties, a sense of isolation, a relative lack of structure, and a general lack of support—may contribute to poor performance, particularly among community college students.

The purpose of these readiness tutorials was to help you overcome the challenges associated with becoming a successful online student. Thank you for being part of this journey, and we wish you all the success in your future endeavors.

Help Links

Class Login

Canvas Login Instructions

  1. In a web browser, go to https://mycollege.laccd.edu
  2. LoginID/UserID: Your 9-digit student ID number (example: 881234567 or 900123456)
  3. Password: Same as your SIS password (where you registered for the class). Show me.