LAVC Student Union Building

Citizens’ Building Oversight Committee


All committee sites have been moved to a new platform. This site is available for archive purposes and may no longer be maintained. Employees can access the new platform by selecting the button to follow. Login using your LACCD Employee SSO credentials (same for Outlook, Canvas, and PeopleSoft).

New LAVC Committee Sites

For public access (no login required) to committee files, select the link to follow:

Public Access

Effective as of April 19, 2021, this site may no longer be maintained or updated. Please use the links above to access current committee information.

The Los Angeles Valley College Citizens’ Building Oversight Committee (CBOC) has been formed to ensure that Proposition A/AA, Measure J, and Measure C funds are spent wisely. The committee is composed of representatives from business, senior citizen groups, taxpayer organizations, community leaders and students. Committee members are responsible for assuring that “bond revenues are spent only for construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or replacement of college facilities and that no bond revenues are expended for any teacher, or administrative salaries, or other college operating expenses.”

Citizens' Building Oversight Committee meets every other month and all meetings are open to the public.

The following meetings will take place in the President's Conference Room in the Administration and Career Advancement Building ("ACA"), 6:00-7:00 p.m.:

  • Tuesday, November 13, 2018 (ACA #2507)
  • Tuesday, January 15, 2019 (ACA #2507)
  • Tuesday, March 13, 2019 (ACA #2507)
  • Tuesday, May 14, 2019 (ACA #2507)

If you are interested in attending the Citizens' Building Oversight Committee, please contact LAVC President's Office at (818) 947-2321.