LAVC Facilities Master Plan
The revitalization of Los Angeles Valley College (LAVC) began with the voters of Los Angeles approving the passage of Proposition A / AA / J in 2001, 2003, and 2008. Working under the college's Facilities Master Plan, which outlined the future development of the college for year to come, LAVC began a decade of renovation and construction to improve its facilities for future generations of students.
LAVC published its first Educational & Facilities Master Plan in 2002, which outlined how the college's Facilities Master Plan supported the college's Educational Master Plan. That original master plan was followed up by a 2003 Facilities Master Plan Update for Proposition A / AA, and a 2010 Facilities Master Plan Update for Measure J. Visit the Resources Web page to view a copy of the LAVC Master Plan and Updated Master Plans.
The LAVC Master Plan (and its subsequent updates) established a framework for the College's future by:
- Providing an attractive, safe, accessible and high-quality learning environment
- Create a rich campus life experience
- Provide an environment that stimulates co-curricular activities, community and economic development, and cultural and athletic events
- Maintain the park-like quality with a rich variety of trees
- Turn the campus into a “laboratory for learning” that respects the environment and integrates sustainable design and practices
- Provide a variety of gathering spaces appropriate for the college's diverse population
- Strengthen the identity of the college by improving the campus' edges and wayfinding
- Link disjointed areas through landscaping and visual axes to achieve a more cohesive campus
The 2010 Master Plan Update maps out the college's upcoming construction projects such as a media arts/performance arts center, a Monarch Center (student union), parking structure, a workforce development center/administration building, a multi-purpose community services building, an athletic training facility and an expansion of the college's Planetarium. In addition, it identifies areas on campus for future growth such as additional instruction buildings and parking areas.
In compliance with the guidelines of the State California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), LAVC has also prepared an Environmental Impact Report for its master plan and each of its subsequent master plan updates. Visit the Environmental Impact Report Web page