Main Entrance LAVC

Parking Information

Parking at LA Valley College

Welcome to Los Angeles Valley College. This webpage provides information about where to park, parking permits, and parking tips for students, faculty, staff and guests.

The College Sheriff controls all parking lot security and parking citation issuance. Parking permits are always required to park in any campus parking lot. Parking violations are enforced under 21113 (a) C.V.C. Please refer to the LAVC Parking and Traffic Regulations Policy for detailed regulations regarding parking and traffic on campus.

Where to Park

Parking for students is offered at student (non-marked) stall at the following campus locations for vehicles displaying a valid Student (Semester) Parking Permit or Daily Parking Permit:

  • Parking Structure (2nd-4th Floors)
  • Parking Lot A
  • Parking Lot B
  • Parking Lot D
  • Parking Lot E
  • Parking Lot F
  • Parking Lot G
  • Coldwater Canyon Extension

View the LAVC Campus Map

Visitors may be able to park in any student (non-marked) parking stall at the following campus locations with the purchase of a daily parking permit:

  • Parking Structure (2nd-4th Floors)
  • Parking Lot A
  • Parking Lot B
  • Parking Lot D
  • Parking Lot E
  • Parking Lot F
  • Parking Lot G
  • Coldwater Canyon Extension

View the LAVC Campus Map

Note: Parking is enforced at all times in marked staff, reserved and EV parking stalls. Vehicle parked in staff marked stalls without a valid employee parking permit will be cited.

Parking for faculty and staff is available in staff (marked) stalls at the following campus locations for vehicles displaying a valid Faculty/Staff Parking Permit:

  • Parking Structure (1st Floor)
  • Parking Lot A
  • Parking Lot B
  • Parking Lot F
  • College Road North
  • College Road South
  • Ethel Avenue (between Burbank Boulevard and Hatteras Street)

View the LAVC Campus Map

Note: Parking is enforced at all times in marked staff, reserved and EV parking stalls. Vehicle parked in staff marked stalls without a valid employee parking permit will be cited.

There is electric vehicle charging stations on campus at the following location for vehicles with a valid charging and parking permit:

  • LAVC Parking Structure (1st and 2nd Floors)

View the LAVC Campus Map

Note: Parking is enforced at all times in marked staff, reserved and EV parking stalls. Vehicle parked in staff marked stalls without a valid employee parking permit will be cited.

There a designated accessible parking spots at the following campus locations for vehicles with a valid DMV Disabled Person (DP) placard/license plate and a valid LAVC parking permit:
  • Parking Lot A
  • Parking Lot B
  • Parking Lot D
  • Parking Lot E
  • Parking Lot F
  • Parking Lot G
  • Parking Structure
In addition, there is a designated Access Services pick-up/drop off location on campus.

Note: Parking is enforced at all times in marked staff, reserved and EV parking stalls. Vehicle parked in staff marked stalls without a valid employee parking permit will be cited.

There are nineteen designated locations throughout the campus for bicycle parking:

Note: Parking is enforced at all times in marked staff, reserved and EV parking stalls. Vehicle parked in staff marked stalls without a valid employee parking permit will be cited.

There are four designated areas for motorcycle parking for motorcycles that display a valid motorcycle parking permit:

Note: Parking is enforced at all times in marked staff, reserved and EV parking stalls. Vehicle parked in staff marked stalls without a valid employee parking permit will be cited.

There is LIMITED free parking available on city streets that surround the LA Valley College campus: Burbank Blvd, Fulton Avenue, and Hatteras Street.

Note: Parking may be restricted in many neighborhood streets around the campus. Please read all street sign before leaving your vehicle for any specific parking restrictions. Los Angeles Valley College is not responsible for any parking citations you receive on city streets.

Parking Grace Period

Student spaces require a student parking permit displayed at all times.  There is currently a grace period in effect for student spaces only; permits will be required for student spaces beginning February 24, 2025.  Faculty/staff permits are required for faculty/staff spaces at all times. 

At the beginning of each semester/session, all students are given a parking grace period to allow them to register for classes and purchase a parking permit online or from the LAVC Business Office.

  • The parking grace period is two weeks before and two weeks after the start of the semester, only in student parking stalls; students who park in reserved or staff marked stalls may be cited as citations are issued year-round for faculty/staff and reserved spaces.
  • In the third week of the semester/session, the College Sheriff will begin writing citations in all parking lots for vehicles without the proper parking permit (student permit in student stalls and employee permit in staff stalls).

Parking Permits & Fees

A parking permit is required to park in any campus parking lot. There are four types of parking permits on campus: Student (Semester) Parking Permit, Daily Parking Permit, Faculty/Staff Parking Permit, and Guest Parking Permit.

Students, employees and guests should be aware of the following:

  • Display your parking permit properly, in plain view, either hanging from the rear view mirror or on the left side of the dashboard. Failure to properly display your permit will result in a parking citation.
  • Purchase of a parking permit does not guarantee a parking space, only the opportunity to park in an appropriate lot if spaces are available.
  • Students with a valid student parking permit from any of the other LACCD colleges may park in any regular student parking stall using that permit.
  • A employee parking permit is required at all times to park in a faculty/staff or reserved parking stall. The College Sheriff will issue parking citations for vehicles parking in staff parking without the properly displayed parking permit.


A student parking permit can be purchased anytime during the semester/session from the LAVC Business Office, or online through the Student Information System.

Student Parking Fee (2024-2025):

  • Semester/Session Parking Permits are $20 (Spring/Fall), and $7 (Winter/Summer).

Students and visitors can purchase a Daily Parking permit from a campus parking pay station for $2 (cash only; selected pay stations accept both cash and credit card). A daily parking permit is valid for any student lot, and is good only on the date of purchase.

Daily Parking Permits can be purchased at one of the parking pay stations located at:

  • Parking Lot A
    • Pay station A2 accepts cash only
    • Pay stations A1 and A3 accepts cash and credit cards
  • Parking Lot B
    • Pay station B4 accepts cash and credit cards
  • Parking Lot D
    • Pay station D5 accepts cash only
    • Pay stations D6 and D7 accepts cash and credit cards
  • Parking Lot E
    • Pay station accepts cash only
  • Parking Lot F
    • Pay station accepts cash only
  • Parking Lot G
    • Pay stations accepts cash only
  • Parking Structure
    • Pay stations L2 and L3 accepts cash and credit cards
    • Pay stations L1 and L4 accepts cash only

View the LAVC Campus Map

LAVC faculty and staff can be issued an employee parking permit from the College Sheriff.

EV charging is available at the Parking Structure for a small daily usage fee, plus the applicable parking permit fee.

Vehicles using charging stations must display a valid Daily Electronic Vehicle (EV) charging permit on the dashboard. Parking is enforced at all time in EV charging stalls; parking grace periods are not applicable in EV charging stalls.

The following are the rates for using on-campus electronic charging stations:

  • The daily EV charging rate for guests and students without a parking permit is $7 per day.
  • The daily EV charging rate for students and employees with a valid parking permit is $5 per day.

EV Parking Permit can be purchased at one of the parking pay stations located at:

  • Parking Structure
    • Pay stations L2 and L3 accepts cash and credit cards

View the LAVC Campus Map

Motorcycles using campus parking are required to have a valid motorcycle parking permit.

To obtain a motorcycle parking permit:

  • Student motorcycle riders should purchase a semester/session parking permit online or from the LAVC Business Office, and then visit the College Sheriff’s Office in Parking Lot D (must show proof of purchasing a parking permit) to complete paperwork to register their motorcycle.
  • Employee motorcycle riders should then visit the College Sheriff’s Office in Parking Lot D (employee must show proof of employment) to complete paperwork to register their motorcycle.

In order to utilize accessible parking spaces within the college parking lots, a valid DMV placard, an LAVC parking permit, and a parking permit issued by the SSD Office are required.

Students with Disabilities Pick-Up/Drop-Off

There is an Access Services drop-off/pick up location on students, visitors and guests with disabilities.

The following is the designated campus pick-up and drop-off location:

  • Fulton Avenue Main Entrance (near Fulton Avenue and Hatteras Street)

View the LAVC Campus Map

Public Transportation

Bus transportation is available to the campus by Metro bus lines, and is connected to Metro Rail (via the Red Line at the North Hollywood Station) by the Metro Orange Line, which stops at the Valley College Station. DASH and Commuter Express buses also serve the Van Nuys/Studio City area.

  • For schedules of Metro bus lines 154, 156, 167, 656, the Orange Line and the Red Line, check the Metro Guide for Los Angeles Valley College webpage or call (323) GO-METRO.
  • For schedules for the DASH Van Nuys/Studio City line and Commuter Express 549, check the L.A. Department of Transportation webpage at 1-800-2LA-RIDE.

General Parking Guidelines

  • Please display your parking permit properly, in plain view, either hanging from the rear view mirror or on the left side of the dashboard. Failure to properly display your permit will result in a parking citation.

  • All vehicles must be driven forward into a clearly designated parking space. Vehicles may not park backward into stalls. (Violation 21113.(a) C.V.C.)

  • No student parking is allowed in any of the faculty/staff parking areas at any time.

  • No vehicle may be parked overnight on campus (between 11pm - 6am). All vehicles left overnight will be subject to it being towed at the owners expense. (Violation 21113 (a) C.V.C.)

Speed Limit

  • The speed limit on all college roadways and parking lots is eight miles per hour.

  • Violators of any traffic or parking regulations are subject to citations and fines.

  • Please observe this campus speed limit as safety is our main concern. Remember, pedestrians have the right of way!

Safety Tips

PROTECT YOURSELF - You can take the following actions to protect yourself and your property:

  1. Make sure you always lock your vehicle.
  2. Do not leave valuable items in plain sight in your vehicle (this creates temptation for criminals).
  3. Record serial numbers to your valuable items (car stereo, cell phone, Walkman, etc.). This information is recorded into the "Automated Property System" (APS), which is statewide information available to all law enforcement agencies if they should contact an individual with your property.
  4. Do not leave your textbooks or personal items in a classroom unattended (if you go to the restroom, talk to an instructor, etc.). They may not be there when you return. Write your name on all of your items.
  5. Be aware of your surroundings when walking through the campus or the parking lots. If you reasonably feel in fear for your safety, contact the college sheriff's office and we will assist you.


Dial 2911 From any campus phone to reach the Sheriff's Department.

Parking Citations

To look up, pay, or appeal a parking citation, please visit Webpage