Health Center Mental Health
Behavioral Health Services
Behavioral Health In-Person or On-Line
LAVC mental health providers, Timelycare and Via Care offer experienced licensed clinicians that can assist students in managing concerns about depression, anxiety, abuse, addiction, family, relationship conflicts, etc. Providers do not offer Psychological Counseling, Psychotropic Medications or prescriptions for psychological medications.
To access in-person or telehealth therapy from Via Care, call the Student Health Center at (818) 947-2918, to schedule an appointment.
Students may choose to get on-line 24/7 Emotional Support from Timelycare. Their services are provided in multiple languages. In addition to therapy, users have access to wellness tools such as mindfulness activities, yoga videos, and healthy cooking, as part of the Wellness Journeys. Users can review bios from a wide selection of clinicians with diverse ethnicities and cultures to select the therapist of their choice. Accessing Timelycare is easy just sign up for the services using your email. Access Timelycare on any Canvas course, on the web, or by downloading the app. View Timelycare Demo Video for instructions.
For assistance, contact Timelycare at 833-4-TIMELY or 833-484-6359.
- Anorexia Nervosa & Related Eating Disorders -
- Crisis Text Line (Text: "COURAGE" To: 741741) -
- LA County Dept. of Mental Health HEADSPACE
- LA County Dept. of Mental Health -
- National Alliance on Mental Illness -
- National Suicide Prevention Hotline -
- National Eating Disorder Association -
- National Institute of Mental Health Eating Disorders -
- Overeaters Anonymous -
- San Fernando Valley Community Mental Health Center -
- Suicide Prevention (The Trevor Project) -
- Suicide Awareness Voices of Education -
- The Village Family Services -
Olive View Mental Health Center
14659 Olive View Dr.
Sylmar, CA 91342
Mon - Fri: 8:00AM - 7:00PM, Sat: 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Phone: (818) 485-0888
Articles and information provided by the Los Angeles Valley College Health Center staff on this website are for general information purposes only and are not intended to substitute for medical advice from a physician or other health care provider. Any information and/or suggested resources are not intended, and must not be taken to be, the rendering of medical services or the practice of medicine. Additionally, Los Angeles Valley College is not affiliated with any of the listed resources. You should always seek the advice of a physician or other health care provider for specific health questions or conditions and before you begin any new type of medical treatment. Do not delay seeking medical advice or disregard medical advice simply because you have chosen to use this site.