California DREAM Act


Assembly Bills 130 & 131 (AB 130 & AB 131), which combined are commonly referred to as the California Dream Act, were signed into law in 2011 and came into effect in 2012 and 2013, respectively. Together, they allow students who are eligible for AB540 to qualify for privately-funded scholarships (AB 130) and also for state-funded financial aid programs (AB 131). At LA Valley College, as a result of the California Dream Act, students may now be eligible for the Board of Governor’s Fee Waiver, Cal Grants, Chafee Grant, and Foundation Scholarships, assuming they meet any other eligibility criteria necessary.

It’s important to note that the California Dream Act only affects eligibility for state aid and does not change a student’s eligibility for federal financial aid or federally-funded programs.

How does a student apply for the CA Dream Act?

To fully take advantage of the California Dream Act, students must:

  • Ensure that AB540 eligibility is met and that an AB 540 affidavit has been processed with the Admissions and Records office at LA Valley College.
  • Complete the CA Dream Act application.
    • Students must complete the application by March 2nd every year to qualify for Cal Grant.
    • Even after March 2nd, a student can and should still complete the CA Dream Act application to ensure maximum eligibility for state aid, as there may be other forms of aid available.
    • At LA Valley College, a student may qualify for Cal Grant as long as they complete the CA Dream Act application within a year of H.S. graduation. However, it is recommended that all AB 540-eligible students complete the application regardless of when they graduated from H.S.
    • If a student does not qualify for Cal Grant while attending LA Valley College, they may still be eligible for Cal Grant at the time they transfer to a university. It is important to complete the CA Dream Act application every year.
  • Complete the California College Promise Grant application (Previously called the Board of Governors Fee Waiver or BOG)
    • This type of state aid allows eligible students to have their enrollment fees waived.
    • Although students can apply for it separately, they may also be awarded the BCalifornia College Promise Grant by completing the CA Dream Act application, if eligible.
    • If applying separately, the California College Promise Grant application must be submitted to the Financial Aid Office on campus.
  • Visit The Foundation website at for information about scholarships that may be available to LA Valley College students.

What are some myths and facts about the CA Dream Act?



If I qualify for the CA Dream Act, I should fill out the FAFSA to get financial aid.

Students who qualify for the CA Dream Act need to complete the CA Dream Application. The FAFSA, which stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid, needs to be completed by U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizens only.


Qualifying for the CA Dream Act provides a path to U.S. permanent residence or U.S. citizenship.

The CA Dream Act only affects eligibility for financial aid in California higher education. It does not affect eligibility for an adjustment of immigration status. However, a student who qualifies for the CA Dream Act may also, if eligibility criteria is met, qualify for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), which may grant certain temporary benefits. Legal consultation is advised.


Applying for or receiving financial aid through the CA Dream Act negatively impacts my ability to adjust my immigration status.

As long as all eligibility criteria is met, students can qualify for the CA Dream Act, regardless of an immigration process they may go through in the future, which may still be done successfully. Students should consult an attorney for other factors that may affect eligibility for status adjustment.

Office Hours and Location

Campus Center 127 - Mosaic Village: Unity Center

Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays: 9AM - 4:30PM
Tuesday: 9AM - 6:30PM
Fridays: 9AM - 1PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed


Appointments: To schedule a Counseling appointment please use the online scheduling tool

Javier Carbajal-Ramos, M.A.
Dream Resource Center Counselor and Coordinator
Phone: (818) 778-5925
Email: @email