Information Building

Academic Senate

The Academic Senate of Los Angeles Valley College focuses primarily on the "academic and professional matters" of the college. "Academic and professional matters" means the following policy development and implementation matters:

  1. Curriculum, including establishing prerequisites and placing courses within disciplines
  2. Degree and certificate requirements
  3. Grading policies
  4. Educational program development
  5. Standards or policies regarding student preparation and success
  6. District and college governance structures as related to faculty roles
  7. Faculty roles and involvement in accreditation processes, including self study and annual reports
  8. Policies for faculty professional development activities
  9. Processes for program review
  10. Processes for institutional planning and budget development
  11. Other academic and professional matters as mutually agreed upon by the governing board and the Academic Senate

The Academic Senate operates under the provisions of the LAVC Senate Constitution and By-Laws [Word doc: 47KB].

Click here for the Senate Motion Form.

Senate Meetings

The Senate meets the third Thursday of the month at 1:10 pm in the Academic Senate Room, ACA1601.

Senate Membership

Officers: Senators Senators Senators Adjunct Senator
Term 2019-2021 Term 2017-2020 Term 2018-2021 Term 2019-2022 Term 2019-2022
Chauncey Maddren
Fay S. Dea Victorino Fusilero Christian Nova Hasmik Arakelyan
Kevin Sanford
Executive Vice-President
Monica Hang Clive Gordon Holly Batty Probationary Senators
Chad Sustin & Edgar Perez
co-Curriculum Vice-Presidents
Zack Knorr Chauncey Maddren George Caleodis  
Nikoo Berenji
Xiaoyang Liu Ron Mossler Darby Southgate  
Wesley Oliphant
Wesley Oliphant Tyler Prante Ruby Christian-Brougham  
  Lynn Polasek Kathryn Queen Rick Murray  
  Michael C. Rahni Carol Sabol Eugenia Sumnik-Levins  
  Kevin Sanford      

Senator Representatives

  • Counseling/Library: Ann Gee
  • Math: June Miyasaki
  • English/Continuing Education: LaVergne Rosow
  • Physical Education: Monica Hang
  • Chemistry and Physics/Biology/Earth Science: Lynn Polasek
  • Anthropology/HHLPS/Philosophy and Economics/Sociology and Ethnic Studies: Tyler Prante
  • Art/Music/Media Arts/Theater: Eugenia Sumnik-Levins
  • CAOT/Business Administration/ Child Dev./Technology/Emergency Services: Kevin Sanford
  • Foreign Language/Communication Studies: Victorino Fusilero
  • Psychology/Health Sciences:
  • Chairs and Directors: Josh Miller

Faculty Dues

Please support the Senate by paying your faculty dues.

Among other things, your faculty dues help to pay for scholarships and events like the holiday party, the ice cream social, and the summer committee retreat.

Dues are $40 for full time instructors and $25 for adjunct instructors.

There are several ways to pay your dues:
  1. We have opened an account in the Foundation Office where you can submit your check directly. It should be made out to: LAVC Foundation. Please write in the memo line "LAVC Faculty Senate", and your check will be properly credited to our account.
  2. You may also pay your dues online:
    1. Go to the LAVC Foundation website and click "Give Online Now"
    2. Scroll down to "Other Designation" and enter your donation amount
    3. Under "Additional Instruction", type "Academic Senate Fund"
    4. Click "Calculate Total", followed by the "Donate" button.
    5. Follow additional instructions and requests for personal and credit card informationf) Print out your online receipt
  3. You may also place your check in the faculty ballot box in the mailroom, and we will take it to the Foundation Office for you.
    *The Senate mailbox is in the section of the mailroom that is open late. Walk in and look to your left and you will see the box. The box is locked, so your check will be secure.
  4. You may also pay your dues through payroll deduction. Please stop by the Foundation office for more information.

Paying to the Foundation is 100% tax-deductible write-off!

Senate Committees

  • Academic Rank
  • Curriculum Committee co-chaired by Chad Sustin and Edgar Perez
  • Educational Planning Committee chaired by Kevin Sanford
  • Outcomes Assessment Committee (OAC) chaired by Yih-Mei Hu
  • Professional Development Committee chaired by Sally Raskoff
  • PEPC chaired by Christina Peter