LAVC Valley Weekly: September 23-29, 2024

The LAVC Valley Weekly Student Newsletter highlights campus events and important student announcements for September 23-29, 2024.
Winter 2025 Schedule Online on September 25
The Winter 2025 Class Schedule will be available online on Wednesday, September 25. Log into your Student Portal to start searching our Winter course offerings, and be ready to enroll on your registration date. Winter & Spring 2025 Priority registration begins on October 21.
Mindfulness Monday: Zoom Meditation
Monday, September 23 from 12-1 p.m.
Online (Zoom)
This week's topic is “When All You Need Is a Hug”. Join our Butterfly Hug Meditation session. A hug can provide comfort and release Oxytocin (cuddle hormone). Whether you just want a hug or want to learn more about this anxiety curbing method, all are welcome.
An Educated Voter is a Smart Voter
Monday, September 23 from 2-3:30 p.m.
Skybox Conference Room (view map)
Join us for an enlightening presentation by a representative from Pueblo y Salud, focusing on the crucial importance of being an informed voter as we approach the 2024 General Election. Complimentary food for ASU paid members.
Personal Insight Questions Workshop
Monday, September 23 from 3-4 p.m.
Online (Zoom)
Are you applying to a UC this fall? Each applicant must write 4 Personal Insight Questions (PIQs) as a part of their application. Join us online to learn more about how to write your PIQs.
Nursing Preparation and Information Session
Tuesday, September 24 from 5-6:30 p.m.
Career/Transfer Center (view map)
Are you interested in the nursing program at LAVC? This information session will cover prerequisites, eligibility, application process, and the CSUN collaboration program. Students will learn how to prepare for CORE courses and resources for the TEAS exam.
Twilight Tutoring: Evening Study Lounge & Tutoring
Tuesday, September 24 & Thursday, September 26 from 6-10 p.m.
LARC 226 – 2nd Floor of the Library (view map)
Need a place to study in the evenings with free coffee and snacks? Visit the ARC’s Study Lounge with comfy chairs, couches, tables, and whiteboards. It’s the perfect place to study or connect with a tutor for math, statistics, or writing.
UC Application Workshop
Wednesday, September 25 from 10-11 a.m.
Career/Transfer Center (view map)
Are you planning to apply to a UC? This workshop highlights step-by-step the process of applying to a UC and covers information such as requirements to transfer and other tips and resources you can use in your transferring process.
Georgia Tech Transfer Information Session
Wednesday, September 25 from 2-3:30 p.m.
MESA – LARC 229 (view map)
Join the LAVC Career Transfer Center and MESA program to learn about transfer opportunities at Georgia Tech.
CSUN Representative
Thursday, September 26 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Career/Transfer Center (view map)
Do you want to meet a CSUN campus representative? Make a 20 minute in-person appointment to learn about the admission process at California State University, Northridge!
Faces of Suicide Display
Thursday, September 26 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
North Mall (see map)
In observation of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Student Health Education will showcase backpacks that represent the lives lost to suicide. Each backpack tells the unique stories, interests, and personalities of individuals who have died by suicide. Honor beads will be given away.
TAG Application Workshop
Thursday, September 26 from 3-4 p.m.
Career/Transfer Center (view map)
Want guaranteed acceptance to a UC campus for Fall 2025? Learn about the 6 campuses with UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG), and the campus-specific information requirements.
Transfer 101 Workshop
Friday, September 27 from 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
Career/Transfer Center (view map)
Are you thinking of transferring to a four-year university? Learn about the process and requirements for CSUs, UCs and private schools, and discover tools you can use to guide you through the requirements for your specific major!
FREE Online Math 227 Workshop
Friday, September 27 from 12:30-2 p.m.
Online (Zoom)
Are you enrolled in Math 227? This “Chapter 5 Probability, Binomial & Poisson Distribution” session is tailored to the content being taught by your professor and will help you prepare for test and exams, so you understand the content and earn higher grades.
FREE Online Math 259/260 Workshop
Friday, September 20 from 1-2:30 p.m.
Online (Zoom)
Join us for a free Math 259/260 Workshop on “Solve Absolute Value Equations & Inequalities, Real/Complex Zeros of Polynomials”. It will help you understand the content and earn higher grades.
Zen Den Wellness Space is Open!
Stop by the Zen Den Wellness Space in Student Union 208 (2nd Floor). Immerse yourself into Zen vibes by ditching the noise and tuning into the present moment. Enjoy the soothing sounds from the indoor water fountain against the relaxing music background. The Zen Den is open every Monday-Thursday from 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
LAVC Welcome Center is Here to Help You
Find answers to your general questions and enrollment help at the Welcome Center. It’s open Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-7 p.m. & Friday, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. (except on holidays).
- In-person assistance - Welcome Center, 1st Floor of the Student Services Center (SSC) (View campus map)
- Chat live - Welcome Center Virtual Lobby (
- Phone - (818) 938-8418 (press 1 for Welcome Center)
- Email - @email
How do I log onto Cranium Café?
Follow these steps to log into Cranium Café:
- Find the department lobby that you wish to enter (for example,
- Agree to the Informed Consent Statement
- Choose either “Current Students” or “Guest Registration” for prospective students (if the Guest option is selected, you will need to register for a quick temporary account)
- Select reason for the visit
- Join lobby and an agent will be with you soon!
Who do I speak to if I have a hold on my account?
Please contact the department that has placed the hold. Click on the notification to view the Hold Details, which will specify the department and reason. You can either visit the department in person, or visit their webpage to chat online using Cranium Café.
If you need help to find what department placed the hold, contact our Welcome Center to assist you.
Can I make an appointment with Counseling over the phone?
To schedule a counseling appointment, call the Counseling Department at (818) 938-8418, schedule online through Cranium Café or in-person at the Counseling Department in the Student Services Annex.
How Can I Enroll in Fall Late-Start Classes?
Taking an extra class this Fall can help you finish faster! For a list of late-start classes, check the Class Schedule page. To enroll:
- Go to “Manage Classes” tile on the Student Portal
- Select “Class Search and Enroll” for Fall 2024
- Search for open classes by the subject, class number, or the Session (such as “2nd 8 Week”)
- Select the class you want and enroll online.
If you need registration assistance, please contact our Welcome Center.
Important Dates
Spring 2025 Schedule Available Online
Monday, October 14 (Add to Calendar)
The Spring 2025 Schedule is available on the Student Portal starting on October 14, 2024.
Fall 2024 – 2nd 8 Week Session Begins
Monday, October 21 (Add to Calendar)
This is the first day of Fall 2024 2nd 8 Week classes.
Winter/Spring 2025 - Priority Registration for Group 1 Begins
Monday, October 21 (Add to Calendar)
This is the first day of priority registration. Check the Student Portal to find your registration date.
Upcoming Events
UCLA Representative
Monday, September 30 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. in the Career / Transfer Center
Do you want to meet a UCLA University representative? Make a 30 minute in-person appointment to learn about the admission process
TAG Application Workshop
Monday, September 30 from 4-5 p.m. in the Career / Transfer Center
Want guaranteed acceptance to a UC campus for Fall 2025? Attend a Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) workshop.
Men's & Women’s Water Polo vs. Citrus College
Wednesday, October 2 in the Aquatics Center
Come cheers on our Monarchs! Don’t miss the Men's Water Polo game & Women’s Water Polo game as they face-off against Citrus.
Decoding the Ballot
Wednesday, October 23 from 1-2:30 p.m. in the Skybox Conference Room
Join us for Decoding the Ballot discussion with a representative from the League of Women Voters - Los Angeles. They will give a comprehensive overview of the pros and cons of each ballot measure and proposition on the California ballot.
For a complete list of upcoming events, check the LAVC Events Calendar.
LACCD encourages persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation, or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact the event organizer listed in the link above as soon as possible, but no later than ten (10) business days prior to the event.