Christine Brichfield Reading Book

TAP/Honors Curriculum

The TAP/Honors curriculum has been developed to parallel the general education requirements for most four-year colleges and universities, including the University of California and the California State University systems. TAP/Honors course sections are designed to produce a more rigorous educational experience through stimulating peer interaction and enhanced course content with an emphasis on the development of critical thinking, reading and writing. There are three ways students can take honors courses, as described below. Honors courses can be found in the schedule of classes for current Spring/Fall terms. In the Searchable Schedule, select "Honors Classes" under "Class Search Type." In addition, students may take up to two courses with another Honors/Scholars program in the LACCD - please contact the TAP Director for details. 

All Honors Sections

Every semester, TAP offers four to six sections of honors courses. These courses are scheduled to cover all five IGETC areas, and so that students can plan ahead to meet their TAP requirements. Courses are smaller in size offering increased student/professor interaction and a highly motivated environment. Note: subject to change.

Fall 2023 Fall 2024
Area 1A: ENGLISH 101H Area 1A: ENGLISH 101H
Area 1B: COMM 105H Area 1C: COMM 101H
Area 3A: CINEMA 105H Area 3A: ART 101H
Area 4: PSYCH 001H Area 3B: ANTHRO 121H
Area 4: SOC 003H Area 4: CHICANO 008H
Area 5B: ANTHRO 101H Area 4: PSYCH 001H
Spring 2024 Spring 2025
Area 1B: ENGLISH 102H Area 1B: ENGLISH 102H
Area 3A: MUSIC 101H Area 3A: CINEMA 105H
Area 4: AFRO AM 004 Area 3B: PHILOS 012
Area 5B: ANTHRO 101H Area 4: CHICANO 007
  Area 5B: ANTHRO 101H
  LIB SCI 101H

Mixed Sections

Every semester, TAP offers up to 15 sections of mixed sections (Honors and non-Honors combined). These courses vary each semester, so please check the schedule of classes for more details. In the Searchable Schedule, select "Honors Classes" under "Class Search Type."


TAP students in good standing may use up to two contracts for the duration of the program. Contracts may only be used for courses offered at LAVC, but are not permitted for a course that is offered as a dedicated All Honors section in the same term (see table above). Contracts are not available to students who are not a part of TAP. 

Facilitating a TAP contract successfully is the student’s responsibility and deadlines are listed on the contract form. Faculty are not required to contract or submit the form, but a SharePoint site has been set up for instructors. TAP students may find the step-by-step guide useful and should direct questions to the TAP Director. The TAP Director reserves the right for final approval of any contract.

Current TAP Approved Courses

* Indicates that the laboratory course must be taken simultaneously with or subsequent to the corresponding lecture course.

  • AFRO AM 002, 004, 005, 020
  • ANATOMY 001
  • ANTHRO 101, 102, 103, 104, 111*, 116, 121
  • ART 101, 102, 103, 105, 109, 111, 115, 116, 125, 501
  • ASTRON 001
  • BIOLOGY 003, 006, 007, 022
  • BROADCASTING 001, 026
  • CHICANO 007, 008, 037, 042, 044
  • CINEMA 105, 107, 114
  • COMM 101, 104, 105
  • ECON 001, 002
  • ENGLISH 101, 102, 103, 205, 206, 207, 208
  • ENV SCI 001, 022*
  • FRENCH 003, 004, 005, 006
  • GEOG 001, 017
  • GERMAN 003, 004, 005, 006
  • HISTORY 001, 002, 005, 007, 011, 012
  • HUMAN 001, 030
  • ITALIAN 003
  • JOURNAL 105
  • LIB SCI 101
  • MATH 227, 227S, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263
  • MUSIC 101, 111
  • PHILOS 001, 012
  • POL SCI 001, 005
  • PSYCH 001, 002, 011, 013, 014
  • SOC 001, 002, 003, 011, 012, 021, 025, 031
  • SPANISH 003, 004, 005, 006, 012, 016, 036, 037
  • STAT 101