Spanish for Heritage Speakers Program-Flowchart

Spanish for Heritage Speakers Program
¿Por qué tomaría yo Spanish 35 en lugar de Spanish 1?
Spanish 35 (Español 35) es el curso de español 1 para los estudiantes de herencia hispana, que han hablado español desde niño/a pero no han tenido la oportunidad de estudiarlo formalmente. El propósito del curso es que cuando el estudiante salga de esta clase haya adquirido un mayor conocimiento de su lengua materna en todos los niveles. Es el primero de un programa completo que ofrece el departamento bajo el título de “Heritage Speaker Track”.
¿Cuáles son las ventajas de este curso?
- Desde el punto de vista práctico, solamente tiene que tomar un curso para cumplir con el requisito de IGETC, ya que al completar Spanish 35 cumple con el requisito, mientras que en el otro caso necesita tomar español 1 y español 2.
- Se le explica las reglas desde su punto de vista y no desde el punto de vista de una persona que no ha hablado español nunca.
- Además daría un paso en convertirse en una persona realmente bilingüe y si le interesa obtener el “Spanish Skill Certificate”, que es muy útil al momento de buscar trabajo, el “Heritage Speaker Track” es el único programa que lo ofrece.
Outline of LAVC Spanish Program Flowchart and Prerequisites
- [1st-year and 2nd-year Spanish] Are you a non-native speaker of Spanish? Start Here!
- Spanish 1 (5 units): CSU/UC
i.STOP! If you are a native speaker or possess near-native fluency, go to Spanish 35
ii.Each course is a prerequisite for the following course in the sequence - Spanish 2 (5 units): CSU/UC
i.Spanish 2 is a prerequisite for Spanish 8, Conversation - Spanish 3 (5 units): CSU/UC
- Spanish 4 (5 units): CSU/UC
i.Spanish 4 is your ticket for Spanish 5 and Spanish 6
- Spanish 1 (5 units): CSU/UC
- [1st-year and 2nd-year Spanish] Are you a Spanish heritage speaker or possess near-native fluency? Start Here!
- Spanish 35 (5 units): CSU/UC
i.STOP! If you are a non-native speaker, go to Spanish 1
ii.Each course is a prerequisite for the following course in the sequence - Spanish 36 (5 units): CSU/UC
- Spanish 37 (5 units): CSU/UC
i.Spanish 37 is your ticket for Spanish 5 and Spanish 6
- Spanish 35 (5 units): CSU/UC
- [3rd-year Spanish]
- Spanish 5 (5 units): CSU/UC
- Spanish 6 (5 units): CSU/UC
- Other Courses for your AA in Spanish and to obtain credit in Humanities
- SPAN 63, Conversation (2 units).
- SPAN 9, Civ. of Spain (taught in English, 3 units)c.
- SPAN 12, Contemporary Mexican Lit. (3 units)
- SPAN 16, Mexican Civ. (3 units)
- SPAN 25, Spanish American Short Story in Translation (3 units)
- SPAN 48, Introduction to Spanish Translation (3 Units)
- Linguistics 1 (3 units)
- Did you know?
- There is no prerequisite for SPAN 1 or 35.
- If you possess sufficient knowledge of Spanish, the prerequisite challenge will allow you to start your studies beyond Spanish 1 or 35. For more information, contact a Spanish faculty member (see below).
- For more information, contact
- Prof. Zamudio,
- Prof. Fusilero, World Languages Chair, (818) 947-2822, @email
Please check out the Skills Certificate in Spanish Language, designed for students who desire a College-recognized certificate verifying language proficiency in Spanish. (Look here under "World Language Degrees and Certificates").
For questions, please email Prof. Frances-Benitez (@email)