Non Credit Microcomputer Literacy

Non Credit Microcomputer Literacy


Microcomputer Literacy helps students learn basics of keyboarding, Internet and Email use, as well as Microsoft Word and Excel.

Lilit Davoyan
(818) 778-5594
Office Location
ACA 1401
Office Hours
email for availability


Noncredit ESL


Business, Entrepreneurship, and Law


In the Microcomputer Literacy Certificate of Completion, students will be able to identify, organize, and save word-processing documents, create an e-mail account and access the internet to research topics, as well as create, arrange and move Microsoft Power Point slides and compose a simple spreadsheet using basic cell formula. Equipped with this knowledge, students can transition into employment in the general office field where computer applications are used or enroll in credit courses in the CAOT discipline

Microcomputer Literacy Certificate of Completion


Full-time Faculty

Name Contact Information



Adjunct Faculty

Name Contact Information

Varduhi Rosie Aydedjian



Faculty Profiles

Click below to learn about the Noncredit Microcomputer Literacy faculty.


  • Master’s in Public Administration Cal-State University Northridge

  • Teaches Microcomputer Literacy 114CE and 115CE
  • Area of interest: MS computer application
  • Fun fact: I enjoy working out early in the mornings.                            


Learn About Microcomputer Literacy