

Los Angeles Valley College Math Department

The primary goal of the Los Angeles Valley College Mathematics Department is to ensure that every student in each math class has the maximum opportunity for success. The department is located in MS (Math Science) 104. 

Why Study Mathematics?

A strong knowledge of mathematics is valuable in almost every career. Math helps you to understand the world better, and has many real-world applications, regardless of your major or degree.

Mathematics is the science of numbers, shapes, and patterns, particularly focused on various operations, interrelations, combinations, and measurements.
Its study includes the building blocks of everyday life, affecting everything from architecture to mobile devices.

Students studying math will improve their analytic ability, creative thinking, problem solving skills, and the capacity to approach problems from multiple perspectives.

The Associate in Science in Math for transfer degree is designed to prepare students for transfer and for careers such as mathematician, statistician, educator, data analyst, actuary, and scientist.

Important Links

Upcoming Events and more





Mostapha (Steve) Barakat

(818) 947-2858


Office Location
MS 104F

Office Hours
Call or email to schedule

Department Secretary
Laura Delanova



Office Hours
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
M-Th in person
(Call or email to confirm)
F virtual




The Associate in Science in Math for transfer degree (AS-T) is designed to prepare students for transfer to 4-year institutions for further study which can lead to careers such as mathematician, statistician, educator, data analyst, actuary, and scientist. AS-T degrees are fully transferable to the CSU system.

Mathematics AS-T

Information and Resources

Clubs, Scholarships, Software and more!

Check back often for news on Math and STEM related events.


Learn about the different math scholarships here.

Your success in a college Math class depends on how you study. If you follow these these Math study tips, your grades are likely to improve. 

  1. Study outside of class regularly.
    • Work on your Math homework or study your Math every day.
    • Study your Math at least two hours for each hour in the classroom. For example, a four unit class will require at least 8 hours of study per week. 
  2. Read your textbooks.
  3. Get good at taking notes class.
  4. Make summary sheets.
    • Make a list of important theorems.
    • Make a list of important properties and formulas.
    • Make a list of important vocabulary words.
    • Make a list of the important course objectives for each unit in the course (usually a section or chapter of the textbook).
    • Review these lists every day. 
  5. Practice all problems until you have mastered the ability to solve and check them. 
  6. Be aware of what topics you know well, which topics need more practice and which topics you don't know at all. 
  7. Continually review: Review material from the beginning of the semester throughout the entire semester. 
  8. Do your Math homework before homework in other subjects. 
    • You will be working when your mind is sharpest.
    • If you get stuck on a problem, you can revisit it later.
    • You have time to get help on problems that you have no idea about. 
  9. Take study breaks. 
    • After a period of concentration, take a break for relaxation or to work on other subjects.
    • Return to problems that you could not complete previously. 
  10. Make use of campus resources.
    • The Math Lab offers free Math tutoring (including online Math tutoring.)
    • Get involved in STEM groups on campus like MESA.
    • If you have a learning or other type of disability, take advantage of services offered by LAVC's SSD office.

    • Use your instructor's office hours.
  11. Study in the right environment. 
    • Quiet. You need to be able to think deeply to learn Mathematics. A noisey environment creates obstacles to your concentration and create distractions to focusing on the problems at hand.
    • Well-supplied. Have plenty of scratch paper, graph paper, pencils and erasers handy. Colored pencils are also useful. A scientific calculator is also useful.
    • Well-lit. Make sure there is good lighting while reading and studying. 
    • Study groups. If you are the type of person who learns well in a social environment, try joining or forming a study group.


Mathematica Logo

How to Get Mathematica 

Mathematica is currently installed in all general or public-access computer labs. Many departmental labs have Mathematica installed as well.

Students: installing on personally owned machines

Follow the directions below to download from the Wolfram User Portal.

    1. Create an account (New users only):
      1. Go to and click "Create Account"
      2. Fill out form using a email, and click "Create Wolfram ID"
      3. Check your email and click the link to validate your Wolfram ID
    2. Request the download and key:
      1. Fill out this form to request an Activation Key
      2. Click the "Product Summary page" link to access your license
      3. Click "Get Downloads" and select "Download" next to your platform
      4. Run the installer on your machine, and enter Activation Key at prompt

Mathematica Tutorials

The first two tutorials are excellent for new users, and can be assigned to students as homework to learn Mathematica outside of class time.

  • Hands-on Start to Mathematica
    Follow along in Mathematica as you watch this multi-part screencast that teaches you the basics—how to create your first notebook, calculations, visualizations, interactive examples, and more.
  • What's New in Mathematica 10
    Provides examples to help you get started with new functionality in Mathematica 10, including machine learning, computational geometry, geographic computation, and device connectivity.
  • How To Topics
    Access step-by-step instructions ranging from how to create animations to basic syntax information.
  • Learning Center
    Search Wolfram's large collection of materials for example calculations or tutorials in your field of interest.

You can find refresher resources for:

Intermediate Algebra here.

Beginning Algebra here.

PreAlgebra here.

Basic Arithmetic here.


Faculty Contact Information

Expand to see email and phone numbers.

Name Email Phone
Baghumyan, Anzhela

(818) 947-3897

Barakat, Mostapha (Steve)*
*Department Chair

(818) 947-2858

Caleodis, George 

(818) 778-5915

Castillo, Steve    

(818) 947-2862

Hito, Mary   

(818) 947-2312

Kawai, John, PhD

(818) 947-2852

Littig, Adam

(818) 947-2589

Pogosyan, Andy    

(818) 778-5905

RayaMendoza, Humberto  

(818) 947-2962

 Sabol, Carol

(818) 947-2859

Sarkissian, Scarlet   

(818) 778-5919

Shvetsov, Vitaly

(818) 778-5904

Sokolovskiy, Yuriy

(818) 947-2853

Sutcliffe, Teresa, PhD

(818) 947-2851

Trujillo, Ana      

(818) 947-2736

Vo, Susan 

(818) 947-2391


Faculty Profiles

Math Faculty Profiles

  • Education: MS in Applied Mathematics, CSUN. BS in Applied Mathematics, With specialization in Computer Science (with honors), Yerevan State University, Armenia
  • Courses Taught:  Math 238, Math 240, Math 245, Math 259, Math 261, and Math 262
  • Pronouns: She/her/hers



Coming soon

  • Education:
    BA Economics, UCSC; MS Applied Economics, UCSC; MS Statistics, CSUEB; MS Mathematics, CSUEB.
  • Courses Taught: Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Statistics, Precalculus, and Calculus.
  • Area of Interest: Teaching remedial Mathematics to Adults.
  • Fun Fact: When not working or spending time with my family I enjoy watching European Football.



Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

photo of john_kawai
  • Education
    PhD in Computer Science with a specialty in Computer Graphics  

    MS in Mathematics from Cal State University, Los Angeles 
    BS in Math/Computer Science from UCLA 

  • Courses Taught
    Math 238 Business Calculus
    Math 227 Statistics

  • Role in Department
    Tenured Faculty

  • Education B.S., Pure Mathematics, UC Irvine; M.A., Applied Mathematics, UCLA; M.B.A., Marketing Management, Marketing Research, Santa Clara University
  • Courses taught Teaches Mathematics and Statistics
  • I am not a robot fun fact I am currently a licensed California Real Estate Broker and Mortgage Loan Originator.



Coming soon

Coming soon

  • Education:
  • MS is Mathematics
    • Pure Mathematics, Cal Poly Pomona
    • Applied Mathematics, Claremont Graduate University
  • Courses Taught:  Math 238, Math 245, Math 259, Math 260, and Math 261
  • Areas of Interest: Cryptography, Bar Codes and Shortest Path Algorithm
  • Fun Fact: I enjoy going to hockey games, traveling, going to the theatre and spending time with my family.

Coming soon



  • Education: M.A.  Applied Statistics, UDC; M.A. Mathematics (Pure), CSULA; B.A. Economics/Mathematics, UCSB
  • Courses Taught: I teach Math 227- Statistics, Calculus and everything "in-between". 
  • Areas of Interest: My academic interests are in applied statistics and using R statistical software.
  • Fun Fact:  I like to read, listen to audiobooks, go for walks, free dive and snorkel. I also enjoy flying and soaring. I have a pilot license and am a certified flight instructor.  I share these activities with my family.

  • Education:  MS, Applied Mathematics, CSULA;                BA, UC Berkeley
  • Courses Taught:  Math 240, Math 259, and Math 260

T Sutcliffe


Education: PhD, Mathematics

Courses Taught: Calculus primarily but can teach other math classes.

Area of Interest: Discovering what else is interesting to pursue other than teaching.

Fun Fact: I am very fun to be with - hahaha

Ana Trujillo

· Name/pronouns: Ana Trujillo/ she/her/hers

· Degree/institution: BS General Math from CSULA and MS Applied Math from CSULB

· Courses taught: Algebra, Statistics, Trigonometry, Business Calculus

· Areas of interest: Applications of Calculus and Numerical Analysis to solve linear systems

· I am not a robot fun fact: I am an avid runner; besides adding numbers, I add many miles every year, I run marathons and ultra-marathons. I love spending time with my family and my two dogs. Also, I am a bit of a sports fanatic

Susan Vo
  • Education: Masters Degree with Honors, CSUN; Bachelors Degree, National University of Singapore
  • Courses Taught: All levels of algebra, statistics, geometry, precalculus, trigonometry, business calculus and calculus 1 &2
  • Interests: DIY projects, handicraft and solving puzzles 
  • Fun Fact: I enjoy spending time with my two Labradors and playing billiards with family and friends.

Learn About Mathematics

 Mathematics at LAVC