Engineering Graphics and Design
Engineering Graphics and Design
Click the tabs below to learn more about Engineering Graphics and Design Degrees and Certificates.
The Computer Graphics/Design certificate is designed to prepare students for entry-level employment in the computer graphics fields. This program relies on a basic understanding of graphic design and/or computer graphics principles as they relate to industry standards as CAD designer, engineering drafter or drafting technician.
This Mechanical Drafting/Design programs prepare students who wish to enter the work industry as a CAD designer, engineering drafter or drafting technician or technologist. The program includes instruction in both 2‐D and 3‐D computer aided drafting and design software such as AutoCAD and SOLIDWORKS.
Faculty Profiles
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Degrees – MS in Product Development Engineering from USC
Courses taught – EGD TEK 101, 102, 121
Areas of interest – production methods and techniques, product development, engineering graphics, technical procedures
Fun fact - I follow political news and read science textbooks as if they were novels. I love dogs, and my favorite color is orange.
Pronouns – he/him

Degrees: MS Mechanical Engineering, CSU Los Angles
Teaches: Architecture 172, Print Interpretation & Sketching (Blueprint I and II) (MSCNC 114, 124)
Fun Fact - Diehard SF 49ers fan but have season tickets to LA Rams (BUT I wear my 49ers gear to games).
Pronouns: He/Him