ARC Handouts


The following handouts were created by the LAVC ARC Tutoring Staff and are available for all educational purposes (classroom instruction, tutoring, web links, etc.) as long as source information is given. All handouts are Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance.

Note to Students: Handouts should be used as a quick guide and should never take the place of assignment guidelines or instructor directions and/or preferences.

Here are common formulas for Algerbra, Calculus, Trigonometry, and Statistics:

Here are some helpful videos and study materials for Basic Algebra, Prealgebra, Elementary Algebra and Intermediate Algebra topics.

Here are some videos for different topics from one of our math professors Teresa Sutcliff:

Here are Tips for Success for our students.


The following websites offer help with punctuation, verb tenses, sentence construction, style, etc.

  • Chomp Chomp website has free tutorials and quizzes to help you practice grammar and mechanics.
  • Activities for ESL Students website is a wonderful resource for students who are new to English, or students who want to improve their grammar skills. The website is broken down by levels and offers a variety of puzzles, quizzes, and games to make the learning process interesting for all ages. Highly recommended.
  • Many Things is another website that offers in puzzles, anagrams and word games to better grasp the inner workings of the English language.
  • The Purdue Online Writing Lab website provides detailed information about all aspects of grammar.