Student Jacqueline Cardenas Sitting Outside

Campus Procedures & Processes

Please refer to the links below for more information on the Free Speech Area on campus, and how students and the community can share their concerns.

Free Speech Area and Campus Access

Los Angeles Valley College has an Free Speech Areas on campus that allow for the exercise of free expression for First Amendment activities, including the distribution of free literature or materials, and obtaining petition signatures.

Read information about the LAVC Free Speech Areas and Campus Access [PDF: 6.4MB]


Student Complaint Process

Most student complaints, grievances or disciplinary matters should be resolved at the campus level. Please contact the Office of the Ombudsperson. This is the quickest and most successful way of resolving issues involving a California Community College (CCC).

Issues that are not resolved at the campus level may be presented to:

  • The Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) (at complaint-process if your complaint is associated with the institution's compliance with academic program quality and accrediting standards. ACCJC is the agency that accredits the academic programs of the California Community Colleges.

  • The CCC Chancellor's Office by completing the web form below if your complaint does not concern CCC's compliance with academic program quality and accrediting standards.


Public Concerns/Complaint Process

Los Angeles Valley College understands that not all concerns are from students, but that members of the community may have some concerns about the campus. The Administrative Services Division of Los Angeles Valley College has a process for members of the community to share concerns it has about the campus.

If you would like to submit a concern or complaint, please view the Administrative Services Complaint Policy [PDF: 213KB], and submit your concern on the Administrative Services Complaint Form [PDF: 228KB]