ISER Teams and Resources

Our current institutional self-evaluation report (ISER) process began with a meeting of the Accreditation Steering Committee on August 20, 2020, where a preliminary discussion on recruitment and timeline took place. The ALO and faculty co-chair then sent a recruitment memo via email to the entire campus. In conjunction with the Academic Senate President and AFT 1521A Chapter Chair, tri-chairs were identified for each standard group. A training for all tri-chairs was conducted by the ACCJC on October 22. Further recruitment continued for team members, culminating in a campus-wide kickoff event on November 6, 2020. The ISER teams listed below are now beginning evidence collection and report writing will commence in 2021. As the standard teams gather data and evidence, additional mega-meetings are planned for each semester to ensure dialogue and communication across all standards.

ISER Teams

* Administrative Chair
** Faculty Chair
‡ Staff Chair

Standard IA: Sherri Rodriguez*, Kevin Sanford**, Brandon Lo, Agyeman Boateng, Shirin Herrington, Fatema Baldiwala

Standard IB: Liz Negrete*, Christina Peter**, Laura Weaver, Michelle Lin, George Caleodis

Standard IC: Dave Green*, Tyler Prante**, Israel Ortiz, Meredith Leonard, Cathy Jin

Standard IIA: Karen Daar*, Edgar Perez**, Matthew Walsh, Holly Batty, Lilit Davoyan, Raffi Kahwajian, Jermain Pipkins

Standard IIB: Deborah DiCesare*, Scott Weigand**, Lilit Petrosyan, Cynthia Cohen, Meredith Stoops, Cheyenne Hohman

Standard IIC: Florentino Manzano/Sorangel Hernandez*, Clive Gordon**, Francie Hurwit, Joel Trudgeon, Kathryn Queen, Gabriela Caballero, Ashley Du, Gabriel Hernandez, Veronica Garcia-Vargas, Monica Flores, Emily Gutierrez

Standard IIIA: Matthew Jordan*, Victorino Fusilero**, Lizbeth Martinez, Roberto Gutierrez, Tasos Sioukas

Standard IIIB: Will Karrat*, Christian Nova**, Mark Svastics, Michael Atkin, Douglas Marriott

Standard IIIC: Laurie Nalepa*, Wilson Chu**, Jonathon Hooker, Joshua Miller, Henry Louie, Gregory Morrison

Standard IIID: Sarah Song*, Howard Levine**, Tom Aduwo, Vernon Bridges

Standard IVA/B: Llanet Martin*, Chauncey Maddren**, Cynthia Maddren, Barry Gribbons, Ruby Christian-Brougham, Komfort Akyempon-Archer, Edward Gika


  • Dr. Barry Gribbons, LAVC President
  • Ms. Karen Daar, Accreditation Liaison Officer and VP of Academic Affairs
  • Ms. Michelle Fowles, Dean of Institutional Effectiveness
  • Mr. Chauncey Maddren, Academic Senate President
  • Dr. Yih-Mei Hu, Faculty Accreditation Co-Chair
  • Dr. Ruby Christian-Brougham, AFT 1521 Chapter President
  • Mr. Jonathon Hooker, AFT 1521A Chapter Chair
  • Mr. Florentino Manzano, VP of Student Services
  • Ms. Sarah Song, VP of Admininstrative Services