Chicano Studies

What is Chicano Studies?

Chicano Studies was created in 1969 at the height of the Civil Rights. It was a response to the educational needs of Chicano/a students. Chicano Studies emphasizes the dynamics of the U.S/Mexico border and Latino presence in the U.S by looking at the historical context of Mexican Americans in the American school system, an understanding of immigration patterns and their impact on various sectors, and the overall Chicano/a experience in the U.S.

Chicano Studies


Keidra Morris

Phone Number

(818) 276-6290



Office Location

Behavioral Science Building

Office Hours



Sociology & Ethnic Studies


Social & Behavioral Sciences


Chicano Studies - Associate in Arts

An Associates degree in Chicano Studies provides students with theoretical frameworks through which they are able to explore, examine, and analyze the experiences of Mexican Americans in the United States. Students will build skills in communicating with diverse audiences and examining multiple sources of information and data. This degree equips students to enter a multi-ethnic workforce and more effectively work toward social justice. Students who earn this degree will be well prepared for careers in non-profit organizations, education, social work, human services, health care, law and/ or policy, planning, and development. This degree can also serve as the basis for further undergraduate education in Chicano Studies and similar fields.

Chicano Studies AA


Chicano Studies Faculty

Name Contact
Jose Arrieta, M.A.
Assistant Professor of Chicano Studies
Phone: (818) 947-2489
Office: Foreign Languages 119B
Pete Lopez, M.A.
Professor of Chicano Studies

Phone: (818) 947-
Office: Foreign Languages 119C


Adjunct Chicano Studies Faculty

Click below for a list of adjunct faculty. For a complete list of LAVC faculty search the LAVC Directory.

Name Contact
Gerardo Briceno
Ismael De La O
Jose Hernandez @email
Alberto Juarez @email


Faculty Profiles

Chicano Studies Faculty

Click below to learn about the Chicano Studies faculty.

Pete Lopez


Degree: B.A. Loyola Marymount University
M.A. CSULA Mexican American Studies

Courses Taught: 2, 7, 8, 37, 44, 54 and 57

Interested : Mesoamerican History, Liberal Studies, Education, Caribbean/Jazz Music history

Role in the department: Chicano program director, Student Equity Achievement program, California Community Colleges Ethnic Studies Faculty Council

Fun Fact - I play Latin percussion, play in a band and I enjoy Formula 1 racing. 

Pete Lopez – Professor of Chicano Studies - YouTube


Education: B.A. and M.A. in Mexican-American Studies from California State University, Los Angeles

Courses Taught: Chicano Studies 2, 7, 8, 37, and 54

Areas of Interest: Colonial and Modern Chicano/U.S. History, Oral Histories, Race and Human Emotions

Role in Department: Member of CAPs, Ethnic Studies Faculty Council, and California Community Colleges Ethnic Studies Faculty Council

Fun Fact: I'm not a robot! I enjoy making music, love coaching youth sports, and I once scored 53 points in a playoff basketball game where I made 15 three-pointers.

Jose Arrieta – Professor of Chicano Studies - YouTube

Explore the Chicano Studies major

Chicano Studies Major Guide Sheet